Saturday, February 25, 2023

Replacing dry milk with liquid milk?

I have a bread book that uses dry milk in some of the recipes. The book itself and some research says 1/4 cup of dry milk is equal to 1 cup of liquid milk.

Some of the recipes follow that rule when saying how much to substitute, but I noticed others in the book don't. For example, a few recipes call for something like 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of dry milk, but says you can replace all of the water with the same amount of liquid milk instead of using dry milk. Since 2 tablespoons of dry milk is usually equal to 1/2 cup of liquid milk, I'm wondering what the correct amount to use is.

Is this a typo, or just a "close enough" kind of thing? Would the extra milk not make any kind of difference?

submitted by /u/frostmas
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from AskCulinary

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