Saturday, March 4, 2023

Took note of food I liked the look and price of (at my store). What easy 1-2-3 meals do you see? Here's what I'm capable of... Robust thorough post.

My skills:

My maximum ability and comfort level is seasoning chicken breasts, oven for 40 at 375, up to 400 for another 10 minutes and then use that to make quesadillas.

I microwave bacon egg and cheese bagel. I eat pasta with just some salt. I've tossed canned vegetables and beans over medium heat, blindly seasoned, and then eaten that a few times.

Looking for 1-2-3 meals:

Like my microwaved bagel. Microwave. Toast. Done. 1-2-3.

Or my quesadilla. Tortilla + cheese, melt, done. 1-2-3.

Chicken prep was easy. Season, oven, done. 1-2-3.

My weaknesses:

I get uncomfortable at the suggestion to toast the tortillas in a little bit of oil.

Terms like "dicing", searing, and "reduce to simmer" don't register with me. Can't tell you how many times I've seen those words and I still think I don't know what they mean. I microwave, preheat ovens, and boil water once in a blue moon.

Even though I can do math and science, alluding to all the measurements and times under heat and chemistry, I can't cook. I don't feel I have the it factor. But I worked in restaurant and even fine dining over 7 years and I appreciate the culinary world! Would be a foody if I could afford it. Would be a chef if I had another life to live.

The reason I ask is:

Tonight, like every night the past year and a half, I don't have anything popping in my head about what to cook or how to do it and it's as hard as you can imagine writer's block being, but I'm helpless, blank, and hungry.


And for the love of god keep budget in mind. I am poor off.


Chicken. 3 breasts (2.5 lbs). $10.

Gnd Beef. 1.5 lbs. $6.

Beef patties! 4. $8.

"Beef for Stir Fry". 1 lbs. $9.

Round Cube Steak* 2 of them (0.7 lbs). $4.

Bi CC Thin Pork Chops* 1.5 lbs. $10.

Top Round Chopped Steak. 6 of them (1 lb). $10.

Ground Turkey/Turkey Breast. 1 lbs. $5/$8.

Shrimp. 12 oz. $5.

I didn't see any other fish/seafood that caught my attention.

Bacon. I always have bacon.


Food that caught my attention, with commentary.

Can of cream of chicken, or mushrooms, or ______. $2. Pretty sure this makes things taste good.

Broth. 32oz (this is like 2 servings). $2. Pretty sure this makes things taste good, too.

Bag of potatoes. Nothing savory comes to mind. I'd just eat them salted.

Tomatoes. Seem expensive at $3.50/lb. Rhetorical question: What do I do with tomatoes...

Lettuce. $2. I like lettuce's reputation (in my mind.)

Multicolored peppers in a bag. $5. I like the colors. They add "something" for a little bit.

Salsa. This is like 2 servings. $2. This says plain, no flavor, in my head.

Canned corn, peas, beans, veg, etc. Seem cheap. Will eat these out of the can. Help 😂.

Canned beans. $1.50. Beans sound like chili and chili sounds good. But like saucy pots that I have to wash *sigh*.

Pasta. A few servings. $2.50. I eat these with nothing but salt, sadly. Help lol

Tortilla (taco/burrito). 10/16. $4/$7. Big fan.

Bag of Fries. $3. Likely not worth buying them.

Buns. 8. $4. Confident these'll go unused.

PB&J stuff. Protein!

submitted by /u/superrenzo64
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