Monday, May 30, 2022

How to replicate velveeta shells and cheese

I am from Canada and I have always wanted to try velveeta shells and cheese. Problem is, is that I can’t find the velveeta shells and cheese product in any of the stores near me. So my solution, was to buy just a 16oz block of velveeta, great for melting cheese and a box of medium barilla shells pasta. I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how I could replicate the original velveeta shells and cheese to a tee. I’ve seen recipes calling for rouxs and extra cheddar cheeses but I’m afraid that it might disrupt the authentic artificial cheese taste I’m going for with shells and cheese pasta. So if anyone had any tips as to how I could emulate the flavours and textures of velveeta shells and cheese, please let me know! Thanks if you read this (also my main problem is that I have a block of 16oz velveeta but I would like to have that liquid gold from the velveeta cheese and shells packets you guys are accustomed too)

submitted by /u/letsplaygamecube
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from AskCulinary

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