Friday, October 14, 2022

Looking for an online resource or encyclopedia that explains the various roles of different ingredients in baking

I've been a hobby-Baker for some time now, and I pretty much never follow a recipie 1 to 1. Even if it's the first time I'm making something (honestly trying to remember a time when I followed a recipe 1 to 1, and drawing a blank).

  • sometimes it's something small, like the first time I made cream puffs I replaced the filling with earl-grey patisserie cream, and the other half with rum + coffee patisserie cream.

  • other times I'll be referencing 4-6 different recipes, adjusting the ratios, and adding my own twist to it like making it vegan for some friends.

NORMALLY whenever I make some adjustment, there's some reason for it, and tend to do a lot of research beforehand. The annoying bit is, whenever I research stuff it's always "little bits and pieces" scattered from a few dozen websites or references before I find all the information I want from something. So i started recently jotting down some basic roles of ingredients, and some more specific details or tips for things that I have experience with. But I'm wondering if maybe I've just had bad luck, and some massive singlular reference actually exists for this.

Example of what I mean by "role of various ingredients" or heres another Example

Haven't really finished writing the "tips" bit, but just as an example: if I want thicker cookies, I'll replace half the butter with shortening, and increase the baking soda & powder amount; and use half sugar, half brown sugar.

submitted by /u/NegativelyMagnetic
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from AskCulinary

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